Titel: |
Surviving Without Garbage Collector? An Introduction in Rust’s Memory Management Concepts |
Vortragsart: |
Breakout Session auf Fachkonferenz |
Datum: |
Dozent(en): |
Rainer Stropek |
Preis: |
Siehe Website des Veranstalters |
Ort: |
Frankfurt, Mariott-Hotel |
Veranstaltung: |
BASTA! Frühjahr 2022 |
Veranstalter: |
Software und Support Media |
Inhalt: |
Most C# developers cannot imagine a life without garbage collector. They assume that in order to write stable and memory-safe programs, the GC is indispensable. However, the popular programming language Rust enables even higher levels of memory-safety without garbage collection. Are you curious how this is achieved and how Rust's approach differs from the one from .NET? Rainer Stropek introduces Rust memory management in this session. You do not need to be a Rust developer to follow his talk - but you might want to become one afterward. |
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